Trade Rush

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

More excuses than an all you can eat buffet

Some of us are or know people who can give you more excuses on why they can't do something instead of doing what they know they should be doing. Myself like a lot of other people desire to have an abundance of money so that I can live a comfortable life. I heard a saying once that you can have a million excuses but not one good reason. That is something we should all think about. Are we just having excuses on why not to do something and we think that we actually have a reason. We all have heard stories about people who did have actual reasons why they couldn't do something but instead of using it as a crutch they did exactly what they weren't supposed to do and it turned out great. Helen Keller was deaf and blind but was able to become an author, lecturer, political activist and even earn a bachelors' degree. Thomas Edison, the inventor of the light bulb only had three months of official schooling and also had a hearing problem as well. Everyday we can hear someone using some form of excuse for why they don't have the life they want or don't have the finances that every person deserves. I grew up in a single parent household with two other siblings. Not once did I hear my mom say she couldn't do something or ever tell us that we couldn't do something. My kids are not allowed to say the word can't. They can do anything they set their minds to.

There are a variety of restaurants to choose from to eat at when you get hungry and sometimes the task of choosing one takes a while. That is how some people are with excuses. They can pick from a long list of choices as to why they can't do something. I was flipping through the TV channels late one night and I caught an episode of Joyce Meyer. She was talking about having excuses in our lives. She said something that has stuck with me for a long time. She said that we all have a reason why we do things or feel a certain way but do not let that be an excuse to continue doing them.

At some point in time in our childhood I think almost everyone read the story of "The Little Engine That Could." At every obstacle he said I think I can, I think I can. He never once said I don't have enough time in the day, or I got kids or any other excuse we can come up with today. Stop coming up with the buffet of excuses for not living the life you want and start doing something about it. It's as simple as starting the day with I think I can, I think I can.

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