Trade Rush

Monday, October 15, 2012

The turtle and the hare

I'm sure by now that most people in life have heard about the turtle and the hare. I was asking my 7 year old about this story and if he understood it. He told me that being in a rush and always wanting something now is not always good for you. I thought that was a pretty good answer. A lot of us are that way when it comes to money and finances. We want to rush it and get it right now. We want to be rich over night. The amount of scams that people are able to fall victim too have grown rapidly. That's because we continue to think like the hare and want to get rich quick. We have all heard the saying that if it sounds too good to be true it probably is. If becoming rich was easy everybody would be rich. Gaining financial prosperity takes time and determination. If you start a savings plan and stick to it the money will continue to grow.

When I was younger I knew people who thought like the hare. They wanted money quick and now. They decided to sell drugs to get the fast and easy money. They eventually got busted and had to serve time in jail.
Slow and steady wins the race. There is a book called "The Millionaire Next Door," that explains that many people who are millionaires you would never be able to pick out walking down the street. The books talks about everyday people who decided to make little changes in their lives that made big differences that just so happened to turn out to be million dollar differences.

If we pace ourselves like the turtle and continue to be smart in our ways of thinking when it comes to finance we too will win the race for riches.

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