Trade Rush

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

You are what you eat

I remember when I first heard the statement, "you are what you eat." I didn't understand. I kept thinking how does that make sense. If I eat chicken am I a chicken? If I eat cow am I cow? When this was finally explained to me it made a lot of sense. If you eat healthy you will be healthy. If you eat unhealthy you will be unhealthy. Same is true when it comes to what we surround ourselves with in life. The things that we read and watch are what we become. I am like many people in the fact that I can quote lines from movies or remember the words to a song. If I were to say "I'll be back," most people would know that I was quoting a line from terminator. The reason that we study when we are in school is to fill our head with knowledge and the subjects that we are studying. The more we read about them and test on them the more we know about those subjects. If you are always watching cop dramas or reality shows on TV that is what you will know. Think about when you talk to someone who watches a lot of sports. They can quote you all kinds of facts and tell you you play by play. That is how we should be about money. If we truly want to become financially healthy, financially free or financially successful we need to fill our heads with financial success strategies. If you walk into a book store most stores have the finance and self help section towards the front of the store. It's not the most popular sections like the gossip magazines that have a bigger selection and bigger area in the store. The finance section is like the candy in the super market. The milk and eggs are in the back of the store because that is what you really came to get but if you walk pass the candy and chips you might pick up some of those things too. The finance books are an afterthought. After we go to the back of the book store to get the latest New York Times best seller we might pick up a book on how to be more successful in our lives. We need to stop putting out financial success on the unimportant list and start making it more of a priority. Stop reading(eating) all of the stuff that is not going to benefit you or your financial situation. We need to start reading(eating) and surrounding ourselves with more success books, with more financial literacy. You are what you eat(read) and if you continue to consume the wrong things you will continue to the wrong results. I do not like going to the store and telling my kids that I can't afford something. I'm pretty sure you don't enjoy telling yourself or your family these things either. Next time you wonder why someone is doing good in life and you are not take a look at what you are surrounding yourself with. Just like losing weight, training for a sport or studying for a test. We need to surround ourselves with the right tools, with the right equipment. Without money we cannot pay rent, buy food or put gas in the car. Money is the start to everything we need in life. Without money we cannot enjoy life the way we should. Make a habit to start putting your financial success as a priority and notice the difference your life will make.

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